Sunday, November 29, 2009

When 2 or 3 are gathered in my name...

Yesterday, Saturday the 28th of November, our parish had its inaugural contemporary service geared towards college students, youth and young adults, and anyone who wanted to attend. My hopes had been high but tempered as we ran an advertisement in the University of South Florida School newspaper "The Oracle". We honestly had no idea what reception our efforts would receive in the community or our parish. Couple this with a home football for the university and rivalry weekend across the country and you can see why we were not sure how many people would attend.

Before the service, our priest Fr. Andrew said something which I feel crystallized the night. He said that it didn't matter how many people showed up. All that mattered was that we were here to praise God. It reminded me of the Gospel passage in Matthew 18:20 where Jesus says "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst."

I think that Jesus wanted us to know that even if just two three people gather to worship Him and His father then those prayers are still heard. Our worship is still pleasing to God.

In January we will try again. I will have the opportunity to preach again. And there will be beautiful music. We will try our hardest to be evangelists and get the word out to people that Christ loves them. We hope that they will come to worship the newborn king.

It is easy to be discouraged when our efforts don't turn out as well as hoped. But I remember the words of the wise Thomas Merton :I don't always please you Lord. But I think the fact that I want to please you pleases you.

God knows the content of our hearts and our love for Him will always reveal itself there.

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